收到《Class of 2020》這個自發project的介紹,就已經感到驚喜萬分:這是屬於Gen Z(Z世代)的編採、設計、內容和他們的個性,在這繁雜的年頭、stuck到頂峰的社會層級,有時真的不可見;也許他們的mentality,只有在這平台裡,才得以完美展現。
計劃在網上進行,76頁的小雜誌有100個來自世界各地(包括英國、美國、新加坡、日本、尼日利亞等)的Gen Z參與。製作團隊的Jasmine,是疫症讓她有了連結大家的想法,而以大家想法製作成zine是她的其中一個目標。
2020 is a special year. The threat of climate change, the immobilization of the world under COVID-19, the rise of nationalism… For those born in the 80s, 2020 should have been the peak of their career. For those born in the 90s, 2020 should have been a year of trying to make it. But what about those who had just graduated?
When learned about Class of 2020, we were pleasantly surprised. Through its editorial, design and content, the zine represents the attitudes and difficult time that this generation has experienced this year. They are stuck in society, but at the same time, they are able to express themselves and grow through the platform of this zine.
This 76-page zine was coordinated online and includes contributions from 100 places across the globe (Singapore, japan, Nigeria, UK, USA…). Class of 2020 member Jasmine says that the pandemic oddly enough allowed her to gather everyone together and publish this zine.
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