コロナシーズンホンコングルメ(新冠時期香港美食家 Hong Kong Foodie in the Age of Covid)


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看這標題真是非常日本風格和思路呢!在肺炎時期適逢在港,目睹與經歷非常時期的各種場合與事情,日藉插畫師 @rikos_pen 莉子執筆畫了一幕幕「在非本地人眼裡」有趣的事:包括「樓下麵包店」、「下雨時的茶樓」、「四人限聚下的茶餐廳」、「樓梯空間的新food court」以及「家中冷氣打邊爐」等,以其搞鬼粗線條而富細節的筆觸,畫下都市一幕幕時代獨有飲食風景。

12pp A5 Risograph 2C

The title itself suggests the Japanese nature of this work. Being in Hong Kong during the coronavirus and witnessing the various happenings during this extraordinary time, Japanese illustrator @rikos_pen Riko captured a series of interesting scenes through the eyes of a visitor. They include “the bakery downstairs”, “the teahouse when it rains”, “the cha chaan tang where only four people can gather”, “the new food court in the staircase space”, and “hotpot in the air-conditioned home”, etc. Thick lines and detailed brushwork make this a uniquely delicious urban experience.

12pp A5 Risograph 2C


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