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MUSIC ZINE每期一個主題,精選作者4res十首個人選擇,化身成CD size歌單小誌。第三期適逢Oasis推出《Definitely maybe》為起三十周年,以90年代冒起及載譽全球的Britpop音樂作主題。除了作者的選擇外,也訪問了幾位朋友及朋友的朋友,分享大家的心水選擇。最喜歡封面的圓形小貼紙,像極了CD的玩法。

MUSIC ZINE features a different theme in each issue, showcasing ten personal selections from the author 4res, presented in a CD-sized playlist booklet. The third issue coincides with the 30th anniversary of Oasis’s release of ‘Definitely Maybe,’ focusing on the Britpop music that emerged and gained acclaim worldwide in the 1990s. In addition to the author’s selections, several friends and friends of friends were interviewed to share their favorite choices. The round sticker on the cover is especially appealing, reminiscent of the CD format.

14x13cm | 28pp | 2C offset | paper: enso | with stickers on cover


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