透過訪問和拍攝 LGBTQ+社群的故事,《我哋》紀錄伴侶、朋友之間的性/別經歷,藉此發問:異性戀在廣告牌、時鐘酒店、 甚至廣東歌歌詞中霸佔了多少空間? 同志朋友當眾在公園牽手、分享一杯雪糕時,可會受到旁人側目?大家只能在同志酒吧和年度平權活動中現身嗎?
《Ourself Zine》 Issue 01
Ourself Zine interviews friends and lovers of the LGBTQ+ community on how they navigate gender and sexuality in Hong Kong – How much space do cis heterosexual couples take up on billboards, in love hotels, even Cantopop love songs? Do queer friends and couples feel safe holding hands in parks, or sharing an ice-cream in public? Is our existence only valid in gay bars and annual pride events?
A5 size/ 87 頁pp/ Digital full color printing/ HK$90
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