薄簿仔#12隔離 A Thin Booklet #12 Isolation



自第十期「終結展」(2018)後,以每年一期出版的《薄簿仔》 @athinbooklet 乃本地設計師 Forrest @4res 的小誌期刊創作,每期一個主題,然後找來8-12個創作者參與其中。最新一期就是讓大家生活節奏大亂的 #隔離。參與者除了本地設計師,也有來自日本、菲律賓或在港印度設計朋友參與。 #Risograph 印刷,橙藍雙色。

Cover: @shokomatsuki
Printer: @inkchacha

Following the tenth issue of “The Ending Exhibition” (2018), “A Thin Booklet” @athinbooklet, published once a year by local designer Forrest @4res, continues to invite 8-12 participants to explore a certain theme in each issue. This latest issue is #Quarantine, which has certainly brought chaos to our lives. In addition to local designers, participants also include designer friends from Japan and Philippines, as well as Indian-born Hongkongers. #Risograph printing in orange and blue.

Cover: @shokomatsuki
Printer: @inkchacha