山山海海的靈氣——讀插畫師 @korisong 的作品,我不其然會想起她的諸多背景:島上居住、來自山城重慶、喜歡貓⋯是的,《Mountain by the Sea》那漆黑而富層次的山海世界裡,就象徵了作者對大自然的鍾愛吧。
原來是一個離別的故事(按下不表)。值得看的不啻那畫功,還有那托付作品流露的情感。小誌由 雙色Riso印刷。
Sensing the power of the mountains and seas in illustrator Kori Song’s work, I’m reminded of her person: on an island, loving cats, and hailing from the mountainous Chongqing. Instantly, the shadowy depths of Mountain by the Sea feel like the author’s love letter to mother nature.
Printed by dotdotdot on a two-color risograph.
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