MUSIC ZINE issue.1 Universe(宇宙)


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聽歌體驗是怎麼一回事?對平面設計師Forrest @4res 來說,是可以在歌曲的意境中馳騁。所以playlist式歌單對他來說很有意思,就像在同一個主題漫遊一樣。最新的zine企劃《Music Zine》就是大概這樣的想法下而創作。第一期主題是宇宙(Universe),創作者選了10首track,和宇宙意境相連,小介紹推薦給讀者。

當然唔夠喉的話也可看看頁尾的小訪問,詢問一堆朋友他們的口味和選擇。另外有Book B,由日本插畫師Shoko Matsuki @shokomatsuki 自選了8首心水歌曲。

Zine設計小巧如CD size,藍黑色offset印刷一也增添了復古感。


Songs of the Universe

What kind of experience does music give you? For graphic designer Forrest @4res, every song allows him to gallop along the artistic conception of the piece. The presentation of a playlist is therefore, to him, very interesting, kind of like roaming around a certain theme. His latest zine project “Music Zine” was created with this in mind. The theme of the first issue is Universe. The creator has chosen 10 tracks that connect with the notion of the universe. There are also recommendations to readers.

Of course, if you feel that isn’t enough, you can also check out the short interview at the end of the page, where the creator has asked a bunch of friends about their tastes and choices. In addition, there is Book B, and the Japanese illustrator Shoko Matsuki @shokomatsuki who selected 8 of her favorite songs.

The Zine embodies a compact design like that of a CD. The blue-and-black offset printing also adds a retro flavour.

10 songs + 8 selected personal essays on the notion of universe; two volumes in one set.


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